Thursday, 8 April 2010

day 2

8.45am: Appologise to grumpy man from neighbouring office for my porridge exploding all over the microwave.

8.48am: Burn hand on scalding porridge explosion.

9.00am: Stop running hand under cold tap and head to my desk. Bit spacey after no breakfast.

11.30am: Get force-fed an oat cake by a colleague.

1pm: Wolf down tub number three of value pasta in four minutes and spend rest of lunch break daydreaming of cheese burger and chips.

2pm: Enthusiastically make a list of all the bargainous food items I am sure to pick up this weekend at East London food markets.

2.06pm: Decide have been a tad optimistic. Cross off 'mangoes' and 'smoked Danish bacon'.

6pm: Pop in Bethnal Green Tesco and buy:

two small tomatoes: 41p (how much?!)
one onion: 10p (must be smaller than previous onion)
one apple 24p (little treat)

Total = 75p

Money left = £26.40

6.15pm: Head home across Weavers Fields (very big park), sauntering in the sunshine, eating my apple. Green grass, bright yellow daffodils, children flying kites and the silhouette of the gherkin poking up behind our block of flats. Momentarily forget hunger.

6.16pm: Remember hunger. Speed up.

7pm: Dinner = flour tortilla-type things, made from flour purchased during first Tescos shop, and council-supplied water from the tap. Make a rather onion-heavy salsa from over-priced tomatoes, onion and remaining garlic cloves. While nose-stingingly strong, tastebuds rejoice at break from value pasta (one tub left in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch).

10pm: Boyfriend informs me I still smell of onion.

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